Charlotte Area Handicapping Seminar
Presented by the Carolinas Golf Association
The Peninsula Club
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
5:30 p.m.
The Carolinas Golf Association is pleased to announce 2017 handicap seminars in an effort to continually improve its members understanding of the USGA Handicap System™.
Golf is a complex game. Not only is the game itself complicated but so are the rules and the handicap system. Many golfers carry handicap myths with them to the golf course. CGA handicap seminars offer golfers a chance to start the 2017 golf season with a new perspective regarding how the USGA Handicap System™ works. This new perspective will add to your enjoyment of the golf seasons to come.
These seminars are defined to be fun interactive events to help you learn more about the intricacies of the USGA Handicap System™ including:
- The math behind how a Handicap Index is calculated to keep it fair for all golfers
- The important role the Handicap Committee plays to keep the system running smoothly at each club
- The importance for each golfer to understand how to adjust scores for Equitable Stroke Control (ESC), unfinished holes and holes not played or not played in accordance with the rules of golf (such as the offering of a mulligan)
- How to correctly calculate course handicaps for each golfer when players compete from different tees
- Why course handicap are adjusted with handicap allowances in some forms of team competition