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Carolinas Interclub Championship Registration Now Open

Clubs can now submit entries for the 2013 CGA Interclub competition. Just click HERE and follow the instructions in the first paragraph ("Register Online"). You will need to log into your TPP Online Golfer Account (or create a login for the first time) to get the "Register for this event" link (which will be shown at the top of the page) to complete your registration. Once you are in, just follow the instructions carefully. Please contact the CGA office or me if you need help. Several new clubs and numerous inquiries from previous team captains have already been received about signing up for this year’s team match play competition.

Pre-season regional captains meetings to review the Interclub format, match play rules, pairings, and key dates will be held in April. As of now, we have scheduled captains meetings on: April 4 (Raintree CC – Charlotte), April 9 (Forest Oaks CC – Greensboro) and April 17 (River Ridge GC – Raleigh). These meetings will begin at 5:30pm and may last up to 2 hours. This information will also be posted on the web site. Additional sites may be scheduled, based on locations of all groups, as soon as entries are received. Each participating club must attend with 1 or 2 representatives. Regular season play can begin in April/May.

The results of the recent survey indicated that an over-whelming majority wants to keep both formats, or at the very least, the singles matches. In addition, playing 6 regular season matches with the best records earning playoff invitations was also the desire of a majority of Captains. Therefore, we will maintain the current format. In conjunction, the CGA Interclub Committee has decided to alter the Championship format to include the final two teams that will compete for the Championship over 36 holes. Four-Ball matches will be played on Saturday November 23rd  with Singles played on Sunday November 24th. We are planning to host the “Interclub Finals” in the Pinehurst area. You will be notified once a site is confirmed.

Other noticeable changes this year involve; a new handicap system (GHIN) and a new Tournament Pairing Program (TPP). Additional training on these new tools will be provided at the regional captain’s meetings. We will use TPP to submit match results.

I encourage all captains to be proactive with pre-forming their groups (with 3, 4 or 6 teams) and list the names of each club accordingly on the entry form. Please list only those clubs that have confirmed a group commitment. Clubs that sign up individually will be assigned to a group by the CGA based on participation and availability within your region. Please solicit new clubs in your area to join the Interclub competition. Upon request, I will follow-up with any club (new or old) that has questions about this CGA Championship.

The entry deadline is March 25. Entry fees ($300) must be received by April 1, 2013. If you have passed the captain’s duties to another individual, please forward this information to them and send their contact information (email address, name, etc.) to me so I can add them to our database. If your club is new to the CGA Interclub program and interested in entering a team for the first time, please forward this information to other appropriate individuals and don’t hesitate to contact me with questions.

2013 Teams/Groups will be listed on the Interclub web page as entries are received. If I can be of further assistance now or throughout the season, you can contact me at 336.575.0447 or by e-mail: .

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Carolinas Golf Association
140 Ridge Road, Southern Pines, NC 28387
910-673-1000 |
Monday-Friday: 8:30-5:00

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