Carolinas Golf Association
Serving Amateur Golf in the Carolinas Since 1909
Entry is open to any male amateur golfer who has reached his 55th birthday by the tournament date, is a member of a club which is a member of the Carolinas Golf Association, and has an active GHIN® USGA Handicap Index® at a CGA member club |
Entry Information |
- Entries are accepted online only on a first-come, first-served basis. Alternates are ranked by the order in which entries are received. |
- Division selection has no bearing on entry or alternate order. |
- Entries close when the allotment of accepted and alternate teams is filled or the entry close date is reached. |
- Online registration opens at 8:00pm on the open date (Wednesday nights). Mail, fax or walk-in applications are NOT accepted. |
- The $150.00 entry fee includes cart and range fees. |
Please note, before registering to play in an event, you must first create an online profile
One-Day Four-Ball registration: must have your GHIN number and BOTH players on a team must have an account
Print 2018 Schedule
Questions? Call the CGA on910-673-1000 8:30AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday |