Carolinas Golf Association
Serving Amateur Golf in the Carolinas Since 1909
Open Date: June 1
Close Date: July 16
Entry Fee: $110.00
Number of Teams: 60
Handicap Index Limit: none
Entry is open to any team comprised of a parent and child, regardless of age, in any gender combination excluding male-male. Step-parents, grandparents and in-laws are eligible. At least one member of each team must: 1. be a legal resident of one of the Carolinas; 2. be a member in good standing of a club which is a member of the Carolinas Golf Association (CGA) and have a current USGA Handicap Index® at a CGA member club or is a golf professional employed at a CGA member club. A team is eligible if one partner is an amateur member of a CGA member club or if one partner is a golf professional employed by a CGA member club. Pro-Pro teams are NOT eligible.
Residency Criteria: At least one team member must be a legal resident of North Carolina or South Carolina
Championship Format: 18 holes of modified alternate shot. Each team plays alternate shot except that both team members hit from each tee and then select the ball to be played (modified alternate shot). A team must complete the hole with the ball selected.
Lowest Round - 63: Gary Robinson and Lauren (Elizabeth) Robinson, Fayetteville, NC in 2012 at Longleaf G & CC.
Most Parent-Child Titles: 4 by Gary and Katie Garahan of Rock Hill, SC (2003, 2007, 2008, 2010).