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Thompson and Parks Win Super Senior Championship In Playoff Fashion


Event: 16th Carolinas Super Senior Championship

Host Site: Cutter Creek Golf Club

Playing Dates: June 25-26

Social Media: @CGAgolf1909


Related: Championship Website  | ScoringHistory Photos


SNOW HILL, NC - Congratulations to Pat Thompson of Asheville, NC for winning the 65+ age division of the 16th Carolinas Super Senior Championship at Cutter Creek Golf Club. Thompson shot rounds of 70-67 to win in a one hole playoff over Robert Shoaf of Concord, NC

After shooting a first round 70 and finding himself three shots behind the leader, Thompson knew there was work to be done. Thompson spent most of the afternoon on the driving range after his round, perfecting his game before the start of the final round. This practice paid off, as Thompson came out and shot a three-under 33 on the front nine in the final round.

Thompson’s iron play was the key to his victory. Despite not hitting his driver well, he made up for it with his iron play and short game. Thompson birdied the difficult par-3 17th hole by sinking a beautiful 20 foot putt to tie the lead. After Shoaf made par on the final two holes, the pair headed to a playoff.

During the playoff, Thompson drove his ball into the bunker, but was able to recover well and beat his opponent on the first hole. Thompson made a very nice up-and-down from off the green to seal the victory.

When asked about his thought process during the playoff, Thompson said: “Well, I hooked my drive into the bunker, and I didn’t get as far out as I hoped. But I knew that I was in a better position than my opponent because I wouldn’t be forced to hit the green with an iron.”

Additionally, congratulations to Charlie Parks of Asheboro, NC for winning the 70+ age division as well. Parks made a phenomenal comeback in the final round, shooting rounds of 71-67 and erasing a six-shot deficit heading into the final round. Parks ended up beating Evan Long and first round leader Doug Owens in a three-person playoff on the 18th hole.

Parks played a steadfast and strong game the entire day. He birdied both of the par-3s on the front nine en route to a 3-under 33. From here, Parks never wavered, shooting 2-under on the back nine while making a clutch birdie on the difficult 16th hole. He also recorded no three-putts during his entire final round.  

Parks made quick and easy work of the playoff as well. He crushed his driver off the tee, and placed a perfect shot in the fairway. He then reached the par-5 18th hole in two after hitting a beautiful hybrid to the front of the green. Parks then easily two-putted to seal his victory. It was a stellar performance on the 18th hole, which played as the 2nd most difficult on the entire course. 

When asked about his mindset heading into the playoff, Parks said: “I wanted it to be over as quickly as possible. Playing out in this heat is tough. I knew I was going to hit the driver, and I knew that if I hit it well then I would have a good chance at making birdie.” 

The CGA would like to thank Cutter Creek Owner Cam McRae, Head Golf Professional Mike Wesko, and Golf Course Superintendent Nick Gibson for their help in hosting a great championship.   


About the Carolinas Golf Association (CGA)

The CGA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization founded in 1909 to promote and protect the game of golf in the Carolinas by providing competitions, education, support, and benefits to golf clubs and golfers. The CGA is one of the largest golf associations in the country, with over 700 member clubs represented by over 200,000 individuals.

The CGA annually conducts 48 championships and five team match competitions for men, women, juniors, and seniors. It also runs over 150 One-Day (net and gross) events and qualifying for USGA national championships. The CGA serves golf in the Carolinas with numerous programs such as: the USGA Handicap System; tournament management software and support; course measuring and course/slope ratings; agronomy consultation; answers about the Rules of Golf, Rules of Amateur Status, and Handicapping; Carolinas Golf Magazine; Interclub series; Tarheel Youth Golf Association; Carolinas Golf Hall of Fame; expense assistance for USGA Junior and Girls' Junior qualifiers from the Carolinas; and the Carolinas Golf Foundation (CGF). The CGF has distributed over $3,000,000 since 1977 to benefit Carolinas' golf initiatives, including junior, women and adaptive programs.

For more information about the Carolinas Golf Association, follow @cgagolf1909 on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok or visit our website





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