GHIN Services Shutdown Planned for Jan. 1

From Jan. 1 to Jan. 5 2020, all GHIN services will be unavailable to golfers nationwide as the USGA launches a revamped platform to accommodate the World Handicap System and provide a better score posting and handicap index experience. Score posting, access to score histories and Handicap Index lookup will be unavailable during this time. So, save your scorecards and we'll all be back posting scores in no time!
For further information on this GHIN blackout, see the following FAQs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the GHIN platform going offline?
This is necessary to implement the new GHIN Platform, which includes World Handicap System procedures.
How long will GHIN be down?
GHIN is scheduled to be down Jan. 1 to Jan. 5. When the system comes back online GHIN expects to send an email notification to all CGA members.
Can I post my scores during this period?
No score posting will be available during the scheduled down time. However, rounds played during this period should be saved, to then enter with the correct dates once the system comes back online.
Will I have access to any GHIN services during this shutdown period?
No. All services will be unavailable for both club administrators as well as individual golfers.
Will I have access to previous revision histories?
No. Access to any and all previous handicap information, both during the downtime as well as after the system becomes operational, will not be available. Handicaps computed prior to the implementation of the World Handicap System will not be accessible. GHIN’s notification email on Jan. 6, 2020 announcing the system is operational will include a member’s first Handicap Index computed under the World Handicap System formula.
Will the GHIN app open on my phone during the shutdown period?
No. The GHIN App will not be functional during the January 1-5 downtime. Players will receive an “Unable to Connect” error message when trying to access the existing GHIN Mobile App from Jan.1 forward. Players will need to update the mobile app once GHIN comes back online on Jan. 6, 2020.
Can I post scores via a posting computer at my golf course?
No. Score posting of any kind will be unavailable Jan. 1-5. All posting computers should be turned off.
Can I view my current Handicap Index/Recent Scores?
No access to any Handicap Index or scores will be available Jan. 1-5. All golfers should use the Dec. 15, 2019 Handicap Index until the system comes back online. Prior to Jan. 1, 2020, members will have to access the Dec. 15 Handicap Index.
Will I receive a Jan. 1, 2020 Revision?
No. The Handicap Index will not be revised on Jan. 1 and GHIN will not send any communications during its scheduled January 1-5 blackout period. CGA members should continue to use Handicap Indexes from the Dec. 15, 2019 revision until GHIN comes back online and sends its notification email, scheduled for Jan. 6, 2020. This Jan. 6, 2020 email will include a personalized Handicap Index and will reflect the adoption of the World Handicap Index. Click here for more information on this new system.
When do I adopt World Handicap System practices?
WHS procedures should be applied once the system becomes operational, scheduled for Jan. 6, 2020.
When will I be able to post scores again?
All members will be able to post scores as soon as the new GHIN platform becomes operational, scheduled for Jan. 6, 2020.
Do I post scores played during the Jan. 1-5, 2020 shutdown?
Yes. Scores made during this time period should be saved and then posted with the correct date when the platform becomes operational, scheduled for Jan. 6, 2020.
Will I be notified when GHIN is back online?
Yes. CGA members email addresses will be notified as soon as GHIN is back online, which is scheduled for Jan. 6, 2020.
When will I receive my next Handicap Index?
All players will have a revised Handicap Index calculated effective Jan. 6, 2020, regardless of scores posted, due to formula changes in the World Handicap System. Each CGA Member with an email address will be notified on Jan. 6, 2020 of their first Handicap Index computed using the WHS formula.
How often will my Handicap Index change under the new WHS?
Under WHS, each time you post a score, your Handicap Index is subject to being updated the next morning. Because there are no scheduled overt notifications planned between Jan. and Mar. 2020, you are encouraged review your Handicap Index using the following options:
The GHIN mobile app
A score posting computer at golf facilities
In mid-2020, multiple options are likely to be available, including push notifications. CGA members will have the ability to choose which handicap-related notifications they would like to receive.