Junior Organization Join Forces to Present TYGA Summer Events

By Courtney Stiles, Executive Director of the First Tee of the Sandhills
Grow the game.
A tag line. An Initiative. One which all major golf organizations have signed on to support – USGA, PGA, LPGA, Top Golf, Golf Manufacturers, Regional and Local Golf Organizations, and so on.
Right here in our backyards of the Sandhills – we all share this initiative.
We want to grow the game by engaging a more diverse population.
So, why continue to do it alone? Running parallel to others promoting the same goal?
Are we spinning wheels on the same road?
Not anymore.
Today, three local organizations who embrace this initiative have collaborated brands to do just that.
The Tin Whistles, The First Tee of the Sandhills and Tarheel Youth Golf Association – a division of the Carolinas Golf Association, have joined hands to host junior golf tournaments across the Sandhills this summer, and beyond.
So, what does this mean?
Together we will be able to provide more valuable opportunities and experiences, on course, for youngsters age 6 to 18.
Our landscape will remain the same – a competitive learning environment where participants will play an age, and skill, appropriate golf course set up while being exposed to the rules of play in a tournament setting.
The TYGA Tin Whistle Tots Tour will offer six nine hole events on Monday’s for participants age 6 to 12. Juniors will be required to walk with the support of a caddie while Tin Whistles volunteers are on site overseeing the day of tournament operation, rules officiating support and encouragement. Events will be open to all juniors on a first come, first reserve basis and cost $10 per nine hole event.
The TYGA Sandhills Tour will offer eight eighteen hole events for participants age 12 to 18. Pre-teen and teens will be required to walk, with or without the support of a caddie, while The First Tee of the Sandhills staff, interns and volunteers are on site overseeing the day of tournament operation, rules officiating support and encouragement. Events will be open to all juniors, with members of TYGA and The First Tee receiving priority registration, and cost $20 per eighteen hole event.
Registration for all events will be available beginning May 6 via tygajuniorgolf.org.
Thanks to the Tarheel Youth Golf Association, all events will have a detailed virtual landing page, preview to see those who have registered, tee time posting, rules of play and post round results.
Three youth serving organizations under one roof for a summer of FUN junior golf competition in the Sandhills.
What more could you ask for?
Other than no thunderstorms, a light breeze and maybe a Popsicle after you’ve signed your scorecard?
Got it!