New CGA Tournament Protocols Effective May 29

CGA and TYGA Tournament Protocols Update (October 9, 2020)
GOLF CARTS: Effective October 12, The CGA will be conducting all tournaments utilizing golf carts with two riders per cart. Players riding together need to follow mask guidance for that particular state (NC – face-covering required, SC – face-covering highly recommended). Players may still have the option to walk (for same entry fee paid) or withdraw for a full refund.
FLAGSTICK: The CGA will not utilize any local rule prohibiting touching the flagstick (and potential penalty for doing so). Under the Rules of Golf, players are permitted to leave the flagstick in the hole while putting. At this time, we encourage player to leave the flagstick in the hole at all times.
STARTING TIMES: No shotgun starts. All competitions will utilize single tee starts and double tee starts.
CADDIES: Caddies are prohibited in all CGA/TYGA tournaments. Caddies are still allowed for TYGA Tots events only and the caddie must be 16 years of age or older and should be from the same immediate family.
SPECTATORS: Spectators are allowed, but please limit the amount of spectators at this time. Spectators are asked to stay in their vehicle until their players’ tee time and refrain from congregating before and after the round. Spectators are not allowed in practice areas. Spectator carts will only be permitted in junior tournaments.
PRACTICE: Players should not arrive at the golf course more than one hour before their starting time. After the round, practice areas are closed.
PLAYER INFORMATION: Players should refrain from the traditional hug or handshake before or after rounds. A friendly nod, a tip of the cap, or a simple wave is recommended as a form of greeting or sportsmanship. Players should bring their own tees, pencils, traditional golf supplies. The CGA/TYGA will not provide these items on the starting tee at this time.
There will be no physical scoreboard. There will not be a traditional awards ceremony at the completion of the tournament. Results will be posted online only. Please make sure your player profile has your correct cell number so that you receive text message updates. Update your profile here.
SCORECARDS: The CGA/TYGA will provide optional paper scorecards to competitors. These scorecards are not official. Instructions on how to enter scores in the USGA TM app can be found here: here. If players do not wish to use the app, their marker may verbally relay their scores to CGA/TYGA staff at the end of the round. After the round, players will verify scores that were entered in the USGA TM App in the scoring area with CGA/TYGA staff. Scores are deemed returned once players and markers verbally verify scores. Optional paper scorecards will NOT be returned.
FOOD and BEVERAGE: All CGA/TYGA hosted food and beverage will be in the form of boxed lunches. All banquets and buffet lunches are suspended.
SUSPENSION of PLAY: In the event play is suspended, players should evacuate the course and wait in their vehicle in the parking lot. In the event a player does not have a vehicle to wait in, please see the CGA/TYGA staff. Updates about resumption of play will be sent via text to the tournament field.
WHEN THE SCORECARD IS RETURNED: A player’s scorecard is deemed returned (no changes allowed to scorecard) once the player verbally acknowledges the scores posted in the USGA TM software are correct and leaves the roped off scoring area.
HOLING OUT: A ball is considered ‘holed’ if it is resting on an object in place to prevent the ball from falling to the bottom of the cup even if the ball is not completely resting below the surface of the ground. However, all measures will be taken by setup staff to ensure that whatever object is in the hole will indeed allow the ball to come to rest completely below the surface of the ground.
BUNKERS (only used as needed): Some clubs will have rakes available for use and some clubs will not. Based on the availability of rakes and bunker condition, the CGA will institute the lift, clean and place bunker local rule below as needed:
-If a ball comes to rest in a bunker, the player may lift the ball, smooth the area they intend to place the ball, and place the ball in that area. This area must be in the bunker and within one club-length of the original lie of the ball. The ball may be cleaned when lifted.
Before arriving at a CGA/TYGA tournament, please take these precautions:
If you are sick or at risk (CDC’s list of high risk individuals) please stay home.
Any spectators that fall into the at-risk category should stay home.
Please bring your own water and/or snacks. Water and/or snacks will NOT be provided by the CGA/TYGA. Food and beverage will only be available to purchase at the host facility.
Players should wash their hands frequently, where available. Hand sanitizer should be used frequently in the absence of a restroom. Players are responsible for providing their own hand sanitizer.
Players should avoid touching their face, including their mouth, nose, lips or eyes.
HAVING SYMPTOMS OR TESTED POSITIVE: Players who have previously withdrawn from a CGA or TYGA tournament due to testing positive for COVID-19 may reregister for an event if they meet the following criteria:
For symptomatic patients: 10 days after symptom onset, plus at least 3 additional days without symptoms (including without fever and without respiratory symptoms).
For asymptomatic cases: 10 days after positive test for SARS-CoV-2.
If you are showing symptoms or tested positive please follow the guidelines by the CDC here
CLOSE CONTACT POLICY: Players who have come in contact with someone showing symptoms or testing positive for COVID-19 must withdraw and may reregister for an event if they meet the following criteria:
What counts as close contact?
You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes
You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19
You had direct physical contact with the person (touched, hugged, or kissed them)
You shared eating or drinking utensils
They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you
Stay home and monitor your health
Stay home for 14 days after your last contact with a person who has COVID-19
Watch for fever (100.4◦F), cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19
If possible, stay away others, especially people who are at higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19
For more information on Close Contact please see the CDC Guidelines here
For questions regarding the registration policy, please contact us at
The Carolinas Golf Association and Tarheel Youth Golf Association will continue to act in the best interest of our members. Our top priority is the safety of our players, volunteers, spectators and host club’s personnel.