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Sign Your Club Up for the 2019 Interclub Season


The 2019 CGA Interclub season is officially open!


In 2018 the 21st Regular Interclub was represented by 62 teams while there were 83 Senior teams that competed in the 2nd senior season. With your help, the 2019 Interclub season can be even bigger!


For additional information, have your Golf Professional or Interclub captain contact the CGA at910-673-1000 or via email at: tthorpe (at) or chris.zeh (@)


2019 Interclub Fast Facts


  • The CGA runs two Interclub competitions annually. Play begins in April with Playoffs starting in August.

  • The Regular Interclub is for players age 18 and older. The Senior Interclub for players age 55 and older.

  • Interclub competition is open tall CGA member clubs in good standing.

  • Deadline to register is March 1 (April 1 for mountain clubs closed for winter).

  • Entry fee is $300 per team or $250 per team if entering more than one team.

  • At each match, the home team charges cart fee only.



  • Teams that enter will play other clubs locally and are part of a Group/Pod.

  • Pods are made up of three (3), four (4), five (5) or six (6) teams.

  • Clubs can pre-form their own Pod (preferred) or request the paired with other CGA clubs.

  • Clubs can sponsor more than one team in one or both leagues.

  • Match rosters consists of 8 players competing from each team on the day of a match. Team rosters are unlimited. Eligible team members can compete in both leagues.

  • Captains meeting(s) are held in March preview Interclub & Match Play Rules/Pod assignments/Captains Duties.


  • Regular league matches played on weekends. Senior league matches played during weekdays.

  • Each team plays 6 matches (3 home & 3 away) in the regular season (April thru July). Playoffs are single elimination and begin in August.

  • Match rosters consists of 8 players competing from each team on the day of a match. Team rosters are unlimited. Eligible team members can compete in both leagues.

  • Players compete for match points in four-ball format. Each hole is worth 1 point. The team that wins the majority of points (36 ½) wins the overall match. 72 match points are available in each team match.

  • Pod standings are determined by their won/loss/tie records. Accumulated match points are used to determine playoff teams in the case of ties within a Pod.

  • 1st, 2nd and in some cases 3rd place teams from the final Pod standings earn a playoff spot.

  • The “Final-Four” (semi-finals and championship match) is hosted by the CGA for both leagues.

Interclub Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be amateur male members (exception: 1 player from the Pro staff may compete (optional), but must also meet all other eligibility requirements)

  • Must be listed on the club’s GHIN handicap roster and have a minimum of 10 posted scores within the past 12 months

  • 18.4 index limit for Regular Interclub; nindex limit for Senior Interclub. Players will compete with their 12 month low index (LI)

  • Must be at least 18 years of age for Regular Interclub; 55 for Senior Interclub

  • Must not have played for another club in the current year


Four captains meetings in key regions (see below) have been scheduled to discuss this year’s competition and finalize Pod assignments. While captains may attend any one of these discussions, it is best if a team representative is present at the region you will be competing in for final Pod assignment purposes.

These meetings will last approximately 1½ to 2 hours. Each team should send 1 or 2 representatives (Team Captain, Co-Captain, a member of the golf staff or a team member). The information in this email will be communicated to new team captains as entries are received.

 At these meetings we will:

  • Review the format, USGA Match play rules and Interclub rules of play including local rules in play.

  • Discuss Captains duties.

  • Review the Team Play software and instructions (either TPP or Golf Genius).

  • Announce pre-formed Pods.

  • Discuss the regular season schedule (April 1 – July 28.)

  • Hand out hard copy of all the information discussed.


Meeting Schedule:

  • 11:00am Wednesday February 27th – CC of Charleston, Charleston SC

  • 10:30am Wednesday March 6th – Cobbs Glen CC, Anderson, SC

  • 5:30pm Wednesday March 6th – Raintree CC, Charlotte NC

  • 5:30pm Tuesday March 12th – Pinehurst CC, Pinehurst, NC

NOTE: GOLF Available (March 12): Pinehurst CC #1 ($35) and #4 ($150) /player. Contact the Pinehurst CC Golf Shop (910-235-8316) if interested. Identify yourself as a 2019 Interclub Team representative. These special rates are only for those attending the meeting.

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Carolinas Golf Association
140 Ridge Road, Southern Pines, NC 28387
910-673-1000 |
Monday-Friday: 8:30-5:00

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