
One-Day Tournaments Schedule


Open to both men and women with a CGA membership and an active CGA/USGA handicap index from a CGA member club.

Please note, before registering to play in an event, you must first  create an online profile

One-Day Four-Ball registration:   must have your GHIN number and BOTH players on a team must have an account 


2018 Season

Print Schedule

2019 Season


For questions relating to One-Day and One-Day Four-Ball Tournaments, contact Chris Zeh at or 910-687-6868.

One-Day Individual Tournaments  

Format is 18 holes of individual stroke play using 100% course handicap.

Players are flighted by handicap/gender.

Gross and net prizes are awarded. 
Entry Information Form (PDF)


Four-Ball One-Day Tournaments

Four-Ball events are comprised of a two-person team made up of any gender combination. (Male-Male, Female-Female or a combination of the two). 
Format is 18 holes of team stroke play using 90% of men's and 95% of women's course handicap to determine net scores. 
Teams pick the tee they would like to play.
Teams are flighted by handicap/gender within divisions based on size. 
Gross and net prizes are awarded.
Entry Information Form (PDF)


Ladies' Play Days 

View the  schedule of one-day tournaments for ladies only that include golf, gross and net prizes, and lunchAll events will be flighted based on Handicap Index. Most events will be a shotgun start.


Questions? Call the CGA at910-673-1000
8:30AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday

Carolinas Golf Association
140 Ridge Road, Southern Pines, NC 28387
910-673-1000 |
Monday-Friday: 8:30-5:00

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