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2012 CGA Tournament Entry Fee Tax Deduction Donation Worksheet


To Participants in Carolinas Golf Association Championships and Events in 2012:


If you paid an entry fee for a CGA event in 2012, a portion of your fee is tax deductible.


The deductible funds were donated to our "Setting the Course" Campaign (   and are considered a tax-deductible contribution to the CGA, a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity.


Listed in the worksheet are all CGA tournaments and the amount of each entry fee which was donated to the campaign.  You can determine your tax-deductible donation by simply totaling the amounts based on the events in which you entered.


If you have questions relating to the tax code, the CGA is unable to give tax any advice. Please contact an accountant or tax preparation professional. If you have questions relating to the CGA, feel free to contact us at or by phone at910-673-1000.


Thank you for your continued support of the Carolinas Golf Association.   We hope you have a wonderful 2013!


2012 CGA Entry Fee Tax Deduction Worksheet (PDF)

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Carolinas Golf Association
140 Ridge Road, Southern Pines, NC 28387
910-673-1000 |
Monday-Friday: 8:30-5:00

Web Design by BlueTone Media