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CGA Interclub COVID Update 5/14/20

On the recommendation from our state government health officials and other leaders, the CGA temporarily suspended all CGA related events (including the Interclub Season) through May 28. Therefore, CGA Interclub matches may begin on May 29. Please note this date could change with updated information from our Governors and state leaders prior to the 29th.

Just to be safe, we do recommend that Clubs schedule matches starting in July. The Interclub regular season will be extended until September 30. The playoffs will take place from October-January, with both “final 4’s scheduled for the last week of January 2021. This should allow more time to plan your matches later in the season. We will continue to update Interclub Captains every Thursday from this point forward to avoid any possible confusion with start dates.


Covid-19 has affected us all. The CGA operation and 2020 schedule is no exception. In order to ease back into a normal season of competitive golf, we have made some changes to our policies and procedures during tournament play including Interclub Matches. PLEASE COMMUNICATE the FOLLOWING TO YOUR PLAYERS PRIOR to each match:

  • All players must practice social distancing (6 feet from all other people, including players, spectators, club staff, association staff, etc.) at all times. This includes all areas of the host facility (i.e. the parking lot, putting green, practice area, on the golf course, in the scoring area, restrooms, clubhouse (if open), and golf shop (if open)).
  • Players should refrain from the traditional hug or handshake before or after your rounds. We recommend a friendly nod, a tip of your cap, or a simple wave is recommended as a form of greeting or sportsmanship.
  • Please bring your own tees, pencils, traditional golf supplies. Please make use of online scoring to avoid passing of scorecards when possible.
  • Matches played before June 19th, clubs must provide each player with their own cart. Players are also allowed to walk. If your club can not provide single carts, you need to reschedule your matches for a later date. This is a mandatory CGA Policy. Doubling up in a cart might be allowed after June 19th. We will let you know when that happens.
  • If tournaments are played without bunker rakes, then in all bunkers and sandy areas a player may: Lift the ball, smooth the area, and place it within club length not nearer the hole. The ball must stay in the bunker.
  • Under the Rules of Golf, players are permitted to leave the flagstick in the hole while putting. At this time, touching or removing the flagstick is deemed a CGA Code of Conduct violation at this time and is subject to penalty (Loss of Hole).
  • Cups must be set below the surface of the green. If your club’s policy is to keep them above for the near future please reschedule your matches for a later date.
  • For objects in the hole (pool noodles, plastic piping), your ball must still come to rest in the hole or be at rest below the surface of the green to be considered holed. We recommend players in match play to concede strokes when possible.
  • Post round drinks and food are canceled until further notice.


We have been and will continue to work with anyone that calls for help in setting up their “Team Roster” in Golf Genius and/or other GG questions. Please don’t hesitate to contact Chris, Brandon or me for assistance.


Until the next update, know that we are just as eager as you to get the CGA golf season re-started for all of our tournaments and championships. However, our goal is to do everything we can to have a complete and safe 2020 Interclub season. Until the next update, stay healthy out there!

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Carolinas Golf Association
140 Ridge Road, Southern Pines, NC 28387
910-673-1000 |
Monday-Friday: 8:30-5:00

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