Team Matches 2003 Stonewall Resort - Roanoke, WV July 13-16
The 2003 Ca/Va Team matches were played at the Stonewall Resort in Roanoke, WV, July 13th –16th.
Members of the Carolinas Team were: Karen Ferree, captain; Debbie Shetterly, co-captain; Kathy
Binkley, Carol Hammond, Beth Lever, Amber Marsh, Vicki Hillen, Carole Jones, Chris Shadoan,
Jeannette Godwin, Cynthia Curry, Mary Ray Hill, Melissa Sage, Patty Moore, Terri Foote, Clate Aydlett,
Anne Washington, Martha Hudson, Brandi Underwood, Lorraine Ballerano, Lori Teague, Donna Noblitt,
Susan Cummings, Megan Miller, and Peggy Yountz.
Monday, July 14th, 2003
CA vs VA
15 18
Tuesday, July 15th, 2003
CA vs VA
15 18
July 16th, 2003
CA vs VA
17 16
Total for the three days:
CA vs VA
47 52
Berkeley Hall in Bluffton, SC, to be site for the 2004 Team Matches to be played July18-21.

Front: Lori Teague, Donna Noblitt, Lorraine Ballerano, Megan Miller, Carol Hammond, Melissa Sage, Terri Foote
Middle: Amber Marsh, Brandi Underwood, Jeanette Godwin, Mary Ray Hill, Cynthia Curry, Martha Hudson
Back: Vickie Hillen, Carole Jones, Chris Shadown, Susan Cummings, Beth Lever, Anne Washington, Clate Aydlett,
Debbie Shetterly, Patty Moore, Kathy Binkley, Karen Feree