GHIN handicap system specific FAQ's
I have made a mistake posting a score,
how can this be fixed?
Please notify your GHIN club of any
errors in your scoring record and they
will be able to correct them for you.
Where can I locate my GHIN #?
Please contact the staff at the golf
club where you have your GHIN
How can I update my email address in the
GHIN system?
I am a member of a golf club and posted
scores online. When I tried to look up
my handicap today, I received a response
of, "GHIN Number not found." I checked
the number from my card and it is the
correct number. Is there something
Many clubs "inactivate" their rosters
when a new season or year starts. This
prevents the club from accidentally
being billed for someone who is not
returning to the club this year/season.
Most often, a visit to your club and
payment of membership fees for this
year/season will get the ball rolling.
The club will then activate your
record. Until the club transmits this
activation, your record will not be
available on
I would like to find a club in my area
that offers the GHIN Handicap System.
Visit our
membership site to locate a member
club or a Carolinas eClub to join the
GHIN system.
I was just added to the GHIN system,
when will I have an official handicap?
Handicaps are updated on the first and
fifteenth of every month. Scores must be
posted by midnight of the evening prior
to the revision to be included in that
My club recently assigned me a GHIN
number. Should I be able to see my
Handicap Index® and/or post online
The club may not have submitted the data
or "transmitted" it to the GHIN
database. It is somewhat like a check,
which has not been cashed yet. If the
club has not transmitted the data to
GHIN, accessing will not result
in any success.
I posted a score online today, but could
not see that score. What happened?
The initial Handicap lookup screen is a
snapshot tied to a revision date - that
screen will not show recently posted
scores. However, if you click on the
image link entitled "View 20 Most
Recent" just above your scoring record,
you will see a snapshot of what is in
the database at this moment. The score
that you posted online should appear
I have two different GHIN numbers, what
should I do?
Please complete our
GHIN Number Merge Request form.
Can I look up a Handicap Index® for
anyone in the country who has a Handicap
No. There are many computation services
assisting in the issuance of a Handicap
Index®. The GHIN database is comprised
of golfers using the GHIN service.
Our club is currently on GHIN and I need
to order supplies for the program.
Please complete our
supplies order form.
The club I represent is interested in
converting to the GHIN handicap system.
For clubs in North Carolina, please
Tiffany Priest. In South Carolina,