2012 Sectional Qualifying Carolina Trace Country Club (Lake), Sanford May 30, 2012 Competitors: 78 Spots: 3 Alternates: 2 |
Entry Information |
Qualifying Information |
Host Club Information |
Hole by Hole Scoring |
Please check your starting time on Wednesday, May 30. Play will begin from the 1st and 10th tee. Remember that sectional qualifying is 36 holes, that you must walk in all phases of the Open and that you are responsible for providing your own caddie/cart driver. Caddies will NOT be available at Carolina Trace CC. Players must walk but you may carry your own bag during the qualifying round. Caddies will be allowed to rent a cart for the qualifying round at this site. However, caddies may have to share carts during the qualifying round. Carts will be offered on a first-come first-served basis.
USGA Policies
The USGA prohibits the use of cellular phones during qualifying and championship rounds. Also, the USGA does not allow spectator carts during qualifying rounds or the championship proper for any reason.
All spectators must be prepared to walk the course. Electronic Measuring Devices are not allowed.
The “One-Ball” rule will be in effect.
All US Women’s Open participants must also conform to the new groove rules which became effective on January 1, 2010. You will find specific information attached for your review. You may also check http://www.usga.org/infoclubsdb/intro.html
to check if your clubs are compliant. Note: Ping Eye2 Clubs manufactured prior to April 1990 may not be used during sectional qualifying and the Championship proper.
The player’s clubs must conform to the groove and punch mark specifications in the Rules of Golf that are effective from January 1, 2010.
Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per
round - Four strokes.
In the event of a breach between the play of two holes, the penalty applies to
the next hole.
*Any club or clubs carried in breach of this condition must be declared out of play by the player to his marker or a fellow-competitor immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred. If the player fails to do so, he is disqualified.
Traditional metal spikes are not allowed at Carolina Trace Country Club. The penalty for non-compliance is disqualification.
Head Golf Professional: Michael Krick; Course Superintendent: Tim Hart
Golf Shop Phone: 919-499-5611 Golf Shop Hours: 7:00am – 6:00pm
No “pull carts” or personal coolers allowed on property.
You are entitled to one complimentary practice round on Tuesday, May 29 or when times are available. You may call the Carolina Trace CC golf shop to schedule a practice round beginning anytime. There is a mandatory $25 cart/range fee for the practice round. Make sure to identify yourself as an U.S. Women’s Open qualifying participant. It would be helpful if you make your own game before calling. Carolina Trace Country Club accepts cash, MasterCard or Visa all purchases. The cart fee for a caddie/cart driver on the qualifying date will be $25 inclusive of the range fee. For all other players not needing a cart for their caddie/cart driver on the qualifying date, there will be no range fee. Make sure to check-in with the golf shop when you arrive and pay your appropriate fees! Any player failing to pay appropriate cart and range fees will be reported to the USGA.
Players may walk during the practice round but must still pay the mandatory $25 cart/range fee. A combination of tees will be used during the tournament. Please see the enclosed championship itinerary for yardages.
Host hotel: The Hampton Inn, Sanford is offering a rate of $83.00 plus tax which includes breakfast. Players may call 919-775-2000 to make a reservation. Please mention US Women’s Rate when calling.
Carolina Trace is located at 2100 Country Club Drive, Sanford, NC off of HWY 87 in Sanford. Directions from you location can be located here: http://www.carolinatracecc.com/golf/proto/carolinatracecc/directions/directions.htm
Slow Play
Any player who is discovered taking more than 40 seconds to play a stroke is subject to a warning for slow play and will be advised of the fact. The player will be notified that exceeding 40 seconds on one more occasion will result in a penalty of one stroke. A third violation will result in a two-stroke penalty, followed by disqualification.
Call me at the CGA office if you have any questions or e-mail me here. Good luck!
Carolinas Golf Association 910-673-1000
United State Golf Association 908-234-2300
Carolina Trace Country Club 919-499-5611
Hampton Inn, Sanford 919-775-2000